How to manage Amazon FBA inventory?

3 min readMar 9, 2023


FBA inventory management is also a very headache for many novice sellers. Many sellers have caused a lot of unnecessary waste of funds due to improper inventory management. For example, insufficient inventory and out of stock lead to a decline in sales, or there may be waste of storage due to excessive stocking. How should we manage these problems? Let me talk about how the “old driver” manages FBA inventory.

Amazon FBA inventory

As novice sellers, we may not have a deep understanding of FBA, let alone how to manage FBA inventory? The following tricks must be remembered!

1. Real-time grasp of order quantity and inventory

Inventory management is an important factor that affects the seller’s recovery of funds. If there is a shortage of goods, your best-selling product ranking may drop sharply. When this happens, you are likely to be overtaken by competitors. The result of this is that you still need to spend a lot of time and money on promotional gifts to redeem your previous ranking position.

Therefore, mastering the order quantity and inventory quantity in real time can effectively avoid your loss of income due to short supply. Then here you can use Nokbird FBA Assistant to check the FBA inventory status in real time, carry out intelligent replenishment reminders and timely replenishment plans, so as to better manage FBA inventory.

2. Guaranteed stock quantity to avoid out of stock

Ensuring that the inventory quantity is directly proportional to the sales trend can reduce the occurrence of FBA out-of-stock situations. Of course, the traditional method of calculating the stocking quantity can only be completed by downloading various FBA data and sales data tables, and manually checking and calculating. But now you can use the Coolbird FBA assistant to remind you to replenish in time.

Among them, the Noc Bird Seller Assistant FBA replenishment formula = procurement cycle + arrival days + stocking days * average daily sales volume — FBA inventory, the dimensions to be considered are:

a. Average daily sales volume, use the weighted average formula to accurately calculate the average daily sales volume for the past month, and know the daily average sales volume to know the quantity to be stocked;

c. The number of days to stock up, how many days to stock up in the FBA warehouse;

b. Procurement cycle, the time from when the supplier places an order to when the local warehouse receives the goods;

d. The number of days of arrival, the time for logistics to be shipped by sea or by air to the FBA warehouse.

Days of available inventory = FBA inventory quantity / average daily sales volume, so how do you know when to replenish FBA? Replenishment lead time = (days of stocking up + procurement cycle + days of arrival + days of salable inventory).

3. Create FBA storage plan in time

After grasping the inventory situation in a timely manner, if the storage plan can be easily created, then the management of FBA inventory can be said to be not a big problem.

The above is the method of managing FBA inventory. After reading the above sharing, I believe everyone has a certain understanding. If there is anything you don’t understand, please come to consult us. If you want to know more about Amazon’s operation knowledge, please follow us.




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